Friday, May 23, 2014

Where does SD get its water?

The Aliens from Planet Maya Thornton want to come and live in san Diego. After ww3 murdered everyone except for me I will tell them what to do for water.  Before WW3 Californians would get their water from melted snow and springs. The State water project, operated by the California Department of water resources, pumps water from the delta and delivers it to customers. Another source is the California Aqueduct which 444 miles long.

The Colorado River is an uncommon resource compared to the amount of water that is used from miles away. It to gets it water from melted snow and springs. The river is 242 miles long and goes thorough Colorado, New Mexico , Arizona, and California.

Rainwater is also used. The rainwater runoff is collected in nine city owned in pounding reservoirs located in San Diego county. All of the reservoirs are connected to the city's water system through a series of pipes.

Monday, May 19, 2014

What Happens at Plate Boundaries

At  Divergent Plate boundaries lava spews from long cracks in the rocks. On land earthquakes strike along the cracks called rifts. Rifts are valleys that are surrounded with volcanoes. An example is the East African Rift. In the ocean the ocean geysers spurt that creates mid ocean ridges. A mid ocean ridge is an underwater mountain range. An example of a mid ocean ridge is Gorda Ridge.

East African Rift:
Gorda Ridge:

At a Convergent Plate Boundary two colliding plates buckle the edge of one or both plates forming a rugged mountain range.Rugged Mountains are above sea level. An example of a rugged mountain is Mount Everest.  Under the oceans one plate bends the other down into a deep seafloor trench. A deep sea floor trench is located in the deeper parts of the ocean. An example is Mariana Trench.

Mount Everest:

Mariana Trench:

At a Transform Plate Boundary natural or human made sturctures that cross a transform boundary are split. In land Rocks that are on the boundary are pulverized or crushed as the plates grind past each other. Transform faults stay in the same location. An example of a fault is the San Andreas Fault. In the ocean it creates a linear fault valley or undersea canyon. An undersea canyon is a steep valley on the sea floor.

San Andreas Fault:

Undersea Canyon:

Friday, May 16, 2014

The Rock Cycle PB15

The definition of a rock is a naturally occuring, a solid mixture of organic matter and one more minerals, physical and chemical processes act on rocks to create and destory it.

The 3 types of rocks are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.

The igneous rock is formed under the surface and hot magma cools quickly.

The sedimentary rock is formed by mineral grain eroded from rocks on earth's. Layers build on top of each other.

The metamorphic rock is ofrmed by tectonic boundaries when some rocks get forced below the surface.

Sedimentary- An example of a rock is limestone. Limestone is used in the purification of molten glass.
Igneous- An example of a rock is Basalt. Basalt is used in building blocks for construction.
Metamorphic- An example of a rock is Quartz. Quartz is used in making glass, jewlery, and electronics.

Plate Tectonics is created to the creation of rocks because plate tectonics produces lava and lava produces rocks.


