Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Artic Tales [BP8]

In watching the movie Arctic Tales (2007) by National Geographic I got to experience the life of a Polarbear and a walrus from birth till Adulthood, and the impact Global Warming had on these animals. When getting to opportunity to actually see the effects that happened I am mortified by the realization that human actions that I have a hand in executing, are causing a dramatic problem on animals. These animals had to go through deaths and their own near death experiences that otherwise wouldn't have happened.

The main causes of the melting ice is because the planet and ocean is warming. This warming is mainly caused by the human race. The planet and ocean are warming because of too much Carbon Dioxide output. This is leading to the Greenhouse effect. The Greenhouse is like a blanket, causing the Earth to retain more of its heat.

Teenagers can do alot of things to stop Global Warming. One thing is to unplug their phones after its already 100%. This reduces the amount of electricity and energy. Another, is to try to carpool or ride your bicycles. This saves gasoline from going into our atmosphere. Also, you can plant trees. Trees take in carbon dioxide and let out Oxygen.

If teenagers all around the world try to make an effort at doing just one of these things our future can be a whole lot brighter. If teenagers make a genuine effort then maybe just maybe our grand and great grandchildren might see a polar bear or a walrus and they one be high on the endangered list.

Some global warming deniers would want us to believe that humans are not causing the planet to warm, but 97% of climate scientists agree: humans are the main cause of the current warming trend. When you think about who a lot of these global warming deniers then you understand why they deny. These deniers are big time oil company owners and factory owners. The people that put out fossil fuels into our atmospheres. They are responsible and instead of trying to make it better for our planet. We are all at fault and until we realize this we will never get better.

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